How to Know You’ve Found the Right Designer Delivery Services

We all know the horror stories from people, sometimes strangers, sometimes friends, about their art shipping experience. Not every company is bad and not every experience will be bad. There are some great professionals out there who can ship your art for you. Never be afraid to ship with a company that has great reviews and service. Here are a few things to consider while you are looking for a designer delivery service.

  • What do they ship with? What kind of materials do they use to protect your items? Some of the sturdiest, and safest, shipping containers are made out of wooden boxes. These boxes also use packing supplies within to guarantee the condition of your items.

  • What is their shipping like? Do they ship anywhere? This is good to consider if you are planning on shipping anything overseas. If the company has experience in both local and international shipping you may have found the one. The more experience the better!

  • Do they store anything? A good designer delivery service will also offer some sort of storage. Their storage should be high-end so that you can guarantee the safety of your valuable items. They should offer both long term and short-term storage that is state-of-the-art, meaning it is climate controlled and dust free.

  • Do they help install? Whether you are shipping many items or just one, your designer delivery service should be able to help you install the pieces. This can be extremely helpful to you as a professional service could cost even more money, why not get a two-in-one with your designer delivery service? Since they are professionals, they should offer project managements services on any sort of install project that you require for them.

  • What do they ship? It is important to know what kind of specifications that they have for shipping. Can they ship your large items and small items? Can they ship everything in your collection at once? Or will they have to take multiple trips? Make sure that your designer delivery service can handle all shapes and sizes of artwork, so that you can be guaranteed its safe travels.

Found Them!

If you are still searching for the perfect designer delivery services in Los Angeles, you don’t need to look any further. The professionals at Art Pack will be able to meet all your needs!
